Stock Portfolio Organizer easily supports any multi currency scenario you may encounter with ease. As many of you know diversification is a key element of any successful investment strategy and sometimes the best way to achieve this is with international trading. For example, if you live in Australia your local currency is the Australian Dollar (AUD) and to trade certain international exchanges your brokerage firm may open an account for you in, say, US Dollars (USD). From this account you would be able to purchase stocks from many different world exchanges in currencies other than USD but your brokerage costs may be in a different currency to the stock you are purchasing. Stock Portfolio Organizer is able to handle these types of scenarios and even allow you to monitor the stocks in your international account in your local currency to give you a clear picture about how your portfolio is performing.
Below are some of the more unique currency features found in Stock Portfolio Organizer
It is very common, when trading international stocks, for the currency of your trade expenses (brokerage costs) to be different to the currency of the trade itself. Stock Portfolio Organizer allows you to specify the currency of your trade expenses (brokerage costs) independently of the overall trade currency.

One of the unique things about Stock Portfolio Organizer is that you can view the performance of your trades, that can be in many different currencies, in any base currency. This can be achieved by organizing your trades in trade groups and creating currency conversion maps for the different currency conversions that Stock Portfolio Organizer needs to do to display performance metrics for the trade group.