We are proud to announce the release of V1.11.6946.41042! This is the first non beta release.
This release contains a number of bug fixes and usability improvements and features. The most notable changes is that there have been many improvements and features added to improve the position sizing & risk management functionality in the program. More metrics have been added to the summary view. Charts now have the ability to plot multiple results on the same chart so that you can compare the performance of of different trades groups etc.
- Added certain technical analysis indicators to the formula language such as AverageTrueRange, ExponentialMovingAverage etc. to make it easier to create certain stop loss & position sizing formulas.
- Added certain miscellaneous functions to the formula language such as GetPositionTypeDisplayString etc.
- The default start date & time can now be changed via the application settings window.
- Added ‘Current Stop Loss’ field to trades to better support trailing stop losses.
- Added ability to filter trades by whether they have a stop loss or target.
- Added many additional trade metrics to the summary view.
- Improved how custom grid formula errors are displayed.
- Improved performance of custom grids and instrument formulas.
- Improved how data feeds are displayed in the main navigation panel.
- Ticker info data should now be updated as soon as data arrives.
- Improved how instrument formula errors are displayed.
- Improved the ‘Include Subdirectories’ option when importing Metastock data or symbols.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where the display precision could not be changed in settings.
- Fixed a rare bug where changing users could lead to a lockup.
- Fixed a bug where Date & Time values in instrument & custom grid formulas was being converted to a string.
- Fixed a bug where printing a view with a boolean column would throw an error.
- Fixed a bug where deselecting a Trade Group would throw an exception.
- Fixed a bug that allowed you to import ticker symbols with more than 32 characters.
- Fixed a rare multi threading bug that could lock up the program when switching users.
- Fixed a bug where the date & time in views was not formatted according to the current users currency culture.